My glimmers this week…

  1. Heat clicking on at 4AM in the house. Toasty.
  2. Taking a deep breath after a day of shallow breathing
  3. A great meditation
  4. Finding a perfect gift for friend’s birthday: Universal Yums
  5. Stretching in bed after a delicious night of sleep
  6. First sip of coffee
  7. Coloring with L
  8. Building with R and being completely and entirely in the moment.
  9. The morning sunrise. Oh, the morning sunrise!

7 responses to “Wednesday Glimmers”

  1. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    Happy Wednesday! What a nice list of things! I too am a big fan of sunrises, and get to see them often, as I start work at 5 am! Even on weekends I am usually up and about by then and there is just something so special about a quiet morning with the sun coming over the horizon…


  2. Elisabeth Avatar

    Aww. What a lovely list to read this morning before I head into a morning of intense work meetings!

    That first sip of coffee – I’m headed out to make oatmeal and coffee soon and I’m SO EXCITED for the first bit/first sip ❤


  3. NGS Avatar

    Those wings are amazing! Cheers to dressing up. Way up!


  4. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    That is a good list!! We are solidly in the season of having the heat on. I also turned on our gas fireplace last week when I was super cold. Good things for me are hugs from Taco (he gives the best hugs as he completely melts into you), waking on my own today at 6:40, and sleeping in my own bed!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh love all of those!


  5. J Avatar

    Heater on? Already? Ack! Around here we are just thrilled to not have the A/C on. Likely it will come on a few more times this year, it’s supposed to be 90F later this week. Blah. I’m so over it.

    I love a good sunrise, though we are in a valley, so it’s pretty light by the time the sun peeks above the mountains.

    I need to concentrate more on deep breaths. I breathe well during yoga, but I suspect they are fairly shallow the rest of the time.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Can you imagine? My husband and I get into “thermostat wars” lol where he likes it warm and me, well, I am from Russia after all 🙂


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