Although the presence of anxious feelings is still here, it was helpful to read that I am by far not the only one feeling the slump, being in a limbo, or fearing the unknown.

Yesterday I got over myself and met up with a few friends to listen to a summer band and have a bite to eat. I didn’t want to go because I was in a funk but I told myself to get out of my head and just go. And I’m glad I did! We had a nice time.

Today (a Saturday) I had every intention of going to the beach with the kids but it was pouring buckets in the morning. It cleared up in early afternoon but it was too late to drive to the beach, since I don’t do Jersey shore traffic.

After coffee and breakfast, L and I went to get impromptu pedicures and, of course, she charmed everybody and their mother in the nail salon. We didn’t do the fingers but just the toes. I got orangey-red, and she- purple with sparkles, like a little punk girl.

Livin’ the life 😜

Came back, had a brief rest, went to the library with both kids. Paid some fines, checked out some books. I sat and read through the kids’ books (I know 🤣) while L and R made friends with other kids at the library so they were all talking to each other for a while.

Home for lunch and, after bribing the kids with a potential ice cream shop trip, we put them into quiet time. Quiet time for R means a nap (rarely a problem since he just collapses in a heap), for L – it depends. Usually she colors and draws, but today I think she took a nap herself. It’s very quiet in her room as I type this.

I went into our master bedroom and read a bit of my book and T was working on a project in the basement. My novel is slow-going but I don’t dislike it so I think I will finish it. After a few pages I closed my eyes and took a brief nap.

Things I still need/want to do today:

~ a yoga session,

~ a wet wipe of surfaces in the house (in other words, you fill a small basin with water, add Murphy’s oil, take a clean rag, and go for it),

~ a meditation. After quiet time, T will bring the kids to an ice cream shop so I will have some time to do the above.

Lastly, I am currently oscillating between three (!!) planners plus an accessory notebook. One planner is almost done (ends in September), the second one will be used up by the end of December, and the last one is January to December of 2024.

May be that is the reason I feel out of control?

11 responses to “Marginally better”

  1. San Avatar

    So glad you made the day fun! Sometimes that’s just what we have to do to pull ourselves out of a slump at least temporarily.


  2. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    Three planners? I would loose control. But then I juggle two online calendars and a physical to-do list.
    Lookalike you had a good day with relaxing parts.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hi Tobia! Yeah… You see one is almost filled up, then another one that has three months that I want to use up, then I will only have one for 2024 lol


  3. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    I’m sorry you’ve been in a slump! I’m glad you’re coming out of it though. I love getting pedicures and it must be so fun to do with your daughter.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I was! She is my little punk rock girl lol


  4. Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I only have 1 planner – wonderland 222 – but I have not used it as much this year. Oddly the busier and more stressed I am, the less I use my planner…. Things have settled down for me so I am working on getting back into using my planner more.

    Glad you are feeling better! I will have to find those books you mentioned above. We go to the library weekly. But Taco will not really leave me alone – he wants me to be involved in playing with toys. So it’s not really a break? The park is starting to be more of a break. I’ve gotten him to go on the slides without me coming up on the equipment with him which makes a huge difference!


    1. Daria Avatar

      He is still small. I remember Rainn had this invisible umbilical cord attached to me. Still does at times. He has to sit either on top of me or right next to me so that our bodies touch lol on way or another. I think they gain more independence at around 3.5?… But then again it depends on a child. Maybe it’s a boy thing?…


  5. NGS Avatar

    This new WordPress commenting system is so frustrating. If I log in to WP, it won’t link my username to my blog. If I log in with the email/envelope, it just logs me into WP and the same thing happens. I’m experimenting here, so let’s see what happens.

    I use a blank notebook and customize pages for myself as a planner, so I’m not bound by either an academic planner or a year-long planner, but I find it’s a lot of work. I’m wondering if I should just invest some time into finding a perfect planner for myself.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Ugh I am not sure what’s going on with WP… Sorry it’s being a pain!
      I feel like I can do that- take all the features I loved from other planners, copy them down onto a notebook, and save $40-$50 a pop.


  6. Coco Avatar

    glad to hear you are feeling better. sometimes we just need to get out of our funk, be out there, trying new things, it helps to put things into perspective. 🙂


    1. Daria Avatar



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