Daily writing prompt
What motivates you?

Thank you to WordPress for another thought-provoking prompt.

  1. Seeing other people do what I want to do. Examples include big and little things: do yoga, save money, clean, travel, get facials, read books, write, and garden.
  2. Reading about other people’s goals and intentions (no matter how different from mine) is inspiring!
  3. Taking the smallest action possible. Example: yoga= find the mat. Read=find the Kindle. Meditate = turn on earbuds and place them into ears. I credit this to GTD and David Allen.
  4. Thinking of friends who passed away. Especially when it comes to big decisions such as travel and experiences.
  5. Writing out exactly what I want in my journal. Literally starting a sentence “I want…” Somehow that sets gears in motion in my brain.
  6. Long-term and short-term planning. In other words, planning in yearly, quintile and daily manner (thank you, SHU and your podcast!)
  7. Anticipating regret – asking myself a question “if I do/don’t do [….], will I regret it later?” This question mainly works for big decisions and intangible opportunities, not so much the everyday details.
  8. Pep talk. I am not big on Tony Robbins or other self-help giants. I do admit that YouTube videos featuring these speakers with images of athletes winning or firefighters rescuing cats from a burning building can be extremely motivational. That is NOT my go-to strategy to get myself out of an unmotivated state but I do remember that there were times when this strategy worked.
  9. Self pep talk works most of the time.

What motivates you?

7 responses to “What motivates you?”

  1. Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    I’m really motivated by a long range goal, like training for a marathon or 10k or 10 mile. I like to work towards a big event. I also get motivated by things I am excited about. My latest thing is learning French – which I’m finding to be FAR HARDER than Spanish! But I would love to be able to use the language when I travel there next time.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Agree about French! I used to be able to read it and understand it but wayy too many years past since… I can see how working toward a big event can be motivating, for sure.


  2. lisaoflisasyarns Avatar

    Hey Daria – I don’t have your email so am commenting here in response to your comment on my post about sports! You had such a different childhood – sounds like sports was the least of your concerns with all the movement between countries and such. It seems like here in America, sports are very much a point of emphasis. I think it’s gotten better than what I experienced as a child, though. And I do not think you are selfish at all by enrolling the kids in gymnastics at the same time! That is parenting gold when that happens! My boys take gymnastics at the same time, but Will is in a parent/tot class. Last week I asked Paul’s teacher when kids can move into her class and she said at 3 but turning 3 doesn’t mean you automatically move up to her class. I was asking because I am SO EXCITED for the day when I can sit in the parent section and don’t have to be a participant in the class!!!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you Lisa for understanding!! I can’t help but feel guilty but when stars align- like you said, it’s gold 😉


  3. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    Oh, another fun post. I love these things.
    I am totally with you on #2. So motivating.
    And I guess writing my own lists, goals, intentions to keep me accountable is also one way to stay motivated.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh yes! Lists and just writing things down usually motivates me. Usually 😉


  4. melissagstebbins Avatar

    I agree with most of these. My faith also provides a significant motivation in my life.


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