Saturday morning, 4:19am

It started raining on Friday night. It rained Saturday. It rained Sunday. And it is still raining!

Being in the house with two kids when you can’t go outside is… Exhausting to say the least. On Saturday we briefly got out of the house to go to the Asian Food Market in our neighborhood, picked up some groceries, then spent the rest of the time at home.

Asian Food Market- a gem in our neighborhood

What we did I can’t even tell you. I know I worked on my blog, the kids were in the basement with T for a while. Play time mixed with cartoons, mixed with non-stop eating, mixed with arguing, mixed with singing. T and I plugged away at our list that we usually create on Saturday mornings.

‘Scuse our language in #8. We meant to say “clean the litter box”

Sunday: went out for breakfast with another family, came home, looked at the clock and noticed it was only 9:30!

The day stretched out before us, long and boring. T and I were already burned out from the day prior.

Similar to Saturday, the rest of the day was a blur of puzzles, books, role play, painting, projects, arguing, hugging, crying, cartoons, making messes, more crying, cleaning up. I had five or more cups of green tea. I tried working. I mopped all floors downstairs. T finished all of the laundry.

Right before the fighting started about who would use the green brush.

The kids are down- had an early night. I feel like I have nothing left. Hoping for better weather so we can get outside! Also, I acknowledge the privilege of having a warm house where we can live and be miserable together during this rainy weekend.

2 responses to “Rained ALL weekend. I am so done.”

  1. Elisabeth Avatar

    Rainy weekends (or, honestly, just any weekend with kids) can be SO exhausting and demoralizing. We were fortunate to finally see some sunshine this weekend which made a huge difference in my mood. But now it’s rainy, cold…and it’s scheduled to rain every single day this week.

    Hoping the week ahead is full of sunshine for you – both literally and figuratively ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Daria Avatar

      Every day?? Omg 😳 weather impacts my mental health, too


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