Feeling: good but a bit sad. Another month is done. Would like to take a few moments to reflect on April and look ahead for May. We are still in Q2.

Highlights and pats on the back

  1. Golden hour (4:30AM to about 6AM): meditation+reading+morning pages
  2. An unforgettable trip to Denmark with the kids
  3. T was in London for Star Wars convention
  4. House task: decluttering basement and attic+ordering a Bagster for bulk pick up
  5. House task: starting on our garage declutter
  6. Garden: we planted! Since R’s birth in 2020, our garden was pretty much abandoned. I am determined to take care of it this season. It is looking better, and it’s good for my mental health.
  7. Friend’s birthday: axe throwing. Fun!
  8. Had our monthly date: sitter, dinner out and saw Pope’s Exorcist
  9. Earth Day: cleaned up our street and one neighboring street
  10. Bring Your Child to Work Day: amazing time with L at my high school but both of us were exhausted at the end.
  11. Book Fair at L’s pre-school. Spent $50 on books.
  12. Amex-paid in full.
  13. L experienced gymnastics day camp for 3 days: she liked some things, didn’t like others (typical).
  14. My energy levels, compared to March, and, especially, February seemed to improve. My outlook on life in general is more positive. I attribute feeling better to this spring weather.

Lowlights and work in progress

  1. What’s exercise? Does gardening count? (I know it doesn’t).
  2. Got super sick with stomach bug (all three of us) during and after our trip to Denmark
  3. A backlog of blog post ideas is growing but don’t have a plan (when, where, how?) to pick away at it
  4. Easter: did not happen this year (see #1)

Looking ahead to May. Certain initiatives that I want to hit:

  1. Mommy and me 1 on 1 dates. L: unicorns, music, food, Frozen. R: monster trucks, Legos, books.
  2. My 42 birthday! Dinner on Saturday with partner and a brunch get-together with friends on Sunday
  3. Read three fiction novels since I am taking a break from non-fiction books for a while.
  4. The second week of May: Teacher Appreciation Week! I usually do a handwritten note from me and the kids (R is 3) and send in flowers.
  5. Participating in our school technology committee aka “cell phones in class are killing the learning process and we need to do something about it” committee.
  6. Memorial Day! Have a total of FIVE days off. The district is giving back the snow days that were not used. #highfive
  7. T is away for a few days here and there so I’ll be solo parenting.
  8. Mother’s Day!
  9. A solo weekend away at an Airbnb (still need to book) –
Throw back May 2022

2 responses to “Goodbye, April. Hello, May!”

  1. Coco Avatar

    fully agree on the golden hour!!! that’s my sanctuary time too.


    1. Daria Avatar

      If I don’t have it, I am all out of balance!


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