Saturday. Alarm was set for five am, but I was up at 4:40 (naturally), and came downstairs. Coffee, meditation. Morning pages- started a new notebook! Feels like a fresh start. Also read Ann Patchett book and made a list for this weekend.

After the kids were up, we cleaned downstairs (well, T and I cleaned and they played outside). Love the smell of a clean house. Since Saturday was Earth day, we then grabbed a garbage bag, some gloves and went to pick up garbage around the neighborhood. A valuable skill practice and a good civics lesson.

Picking up garbage in the neighborhood

Came back and, as a treat, went to DQ for some ice cream.


After that, spent time gardening. It felt like we were outside for hours. Maybe we were?… The kids were “helping” and playing and “helping” again. By the end they were so dirty and so tired it was adorable. I find it so delicious to wash a super dirty child that has been playing in the dirt for hours, and now they are all squeaky clean. Love.

Adults then took quick showes, and at 6, our sitter arrived. T and I went out to dinner, had adult conversation, and saw a horrow movie (yep, T turned me onto horror) at a theater nearby. It was a late night but really enjoyable nonetheless. We do monthly dates sans kids. It is not cheap (think: sitter, dinner, drinks, plus a movie, a play or an activity) but it is so enjoyable not to be interrupted three hundred times while having dinner.

Us. I’m wearing a full face of makeup and it felt good to do a “stronger” face. Almost never happens.

Sunday. Was up naturally around 5. Daily morning routine: coffee, meditation (20 min combinted- two sessions on Insight Timer). Did not do morning pages or read. We all went out for an early breakfast with next-door neighbors. R was clingy and not on his best behavior. His eyes are red, all this pollen. Came home, cleaned the upstairs, and got ready for axe throwing adventure to celebrate a good friend’s birthday.

All in all, this was a wonderful weekend but I feel like I did 9345 things. Now I am ready to collapse in a heap. In addition, here is a list of additional small accomplishments for this weekend, giving mysef all the gold stars I can get:

  • Cleaned: downstairs and upstairs. Vacuumed and wet mopped (the floor cleaner smell is amazing or is it just me?) Podcasts and cleaning just go together.
  • Laundry: mostly done (?)
  • Summer camp forms for L and R: completed!
  • Kudos to me for spending time face-to-face with different people this weekend (apart from family). Because of that, the introvert inside me is begging to be alone for the rest of this day In a room, with the door closed, with my Kindle.
  • Spent tons of time outside- gardening, can I count that as my “exercise”?

I leave you with this amazing quote from a book that I’m currently reading. Have a good week, everyone!

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