The basics: two-night camping trip with a 4- and a 6- year-old. Location: a campground in Upstate New York, on the pond. Time to get there from New Jersey: 2.5 hours.


  1. Apart from me not being able to make a fire the first night, all the struggles are related to: parenting! They fought, R whined, I yelled. The quiet time rule at this campground is from 10PM to 7AM. L and R were up and laughing/crying/horsing around in the tent before 6AM. We had neighbors on both sides, but thankfully, no one complained.
  2. Another lowlight was a long thunderstorm that just would not quit on our second night. Thankfully, it started when we were already preparing for bed and lasted all night (at least it felt like to me). The tent did not leak, just one wet corner the following morning.
  3. ZERO phone signal. I couldn’t text or call. I needed to tell T that we arrived okay, and we had to drive out of the campground and finally got a signal at about 5 miles out. Talking about disconnecting.


  1. The view was incredible. We were right on the pond, and could walk in the water if we wanted. The kids looked for snail shells, rocks, sticks. They had a swimming area where we played for a while. I crawled out of the tent in the middle of the night to use the restroom, and holy smokes, the sky. So many stars. We don’t get that in New Jersey- too much light pollution.
  2. The food. The walking tacos (or, as the kids dubbed them “magic tacos”) were a hit! The gas stove worked like a charm! On the second day we made an ice run to a supermarket, I got a DuraLast (?) fire log, and we had a roaring fire.
  3. Tender parenting moments: the three of us smooshed into one tent, so it took me back to the time when they were babies. R’s little body pressing into mine as he snored; L’s hand around my neck while she slept.
  4. Life skills for the kids: washing dishes, going to get water, packing everything up each night, taking it out in the morning, switching the ice, throwing the trash and recycling out.


I brought too much stuff. I have a small Impreza, and the car was to the gills. It was my first time camping with the kids so in my mind I covered all of the bases?… I brought all the barbecue tools, absolutely no need. I brought two pots and one pan. Used a pot and a pan. I also did not use all of the camping gear that I purchased for this trip.

Oh, and next time I am downloading a few movies onto their iPads.

This was a hard trip. Harder than Iceland, harder than Denmark, and much harder than Paris. I am exhausted, my body hurts. But I also am feeling accomplished. I think we can do it again one day. I mean, I bought the tent.

23 responses to “Camping Trip Highlights & Lowlights”

  1. Coco Avatar

    I guess it was hard because it was the first time and in one place? not like in a big city that you can walk and explore constantly? but it seems that you are hopeful that the experience will improve.

    pics look lovely, very peaceful and quiet.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Maybe? I did enjoy just sitting and staring at the pond, very peaceful, but we should have maybe gone up to the waterfall? R will not walk very far without whining 😉


  2. Elisabeth Avatar

    Brave you! I have never taken my kids camping (and honestly don’t ever intend to, partly because my parents live on a lake, so we get the whole “campfire, water” experience without needing to schlepp food and tents) BUT this really looks like such a great experience for your kids. They will 100% forget any fighting and only remember how fun it was to “rough” it in the wild.

    So many gold stars for planning this and following through ❤ It looks like a lovely, peaceful spot.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Agreed! I asked if they liked it and said yes. It really was so peaceful and the view changed with the time of day.


  3. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Tent camping by yourself with two kids – I’ll say that’s a tricky one! Yikes.

    We are going camping tonight – just my husband, Rex and I – but he has a camper and is doing all the work, so I’m just along for the ride.


    1. Daria Avatar

      haha, I’ll know who to reach out to for advice on camping – your husband.


  4. Maya Avatar

    You’re a brave mama, and what wonderful memories you have made! Kudos!!

    (I could never 🙂 I’m up for a day-spend, but would wimp out at spending the night in a tent.)


    1. Daria Avatar

      Not gonna lie, I was nervous to spend the night. But- we had neighbors on both sides, so human activity was comforting.


  5. Sak Avatar

    Congratulations, you did it. To me traveling to Europe with two little kids sounds harder than camping. You made it and it gets a lot easier as the kids get older. You can always wait until 2026 to try again.


    1. Daria Avatar

      It sure will get easier! I rested up, now thinking where to go next year 🙂


  6. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    I love this! You did the camping experience to the fullest and it looks like you had fun and made some great memories. Your meals look amazing! I hope you go camping again now that you know all the tricks.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hi Michelle! Not sure about ALL the tricks but yes, definitely feeling more confident.


  7. Tina Avatar

    I remember my first couple camping trips. We spent a ton of money and didn’t really bring a lot, but then started learning what we really needed. Now we take up two cars and we look like we’re moving in permanently.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I spent about $700 on everything, kind of scary. But now we have all the equipment so we can benefit from that. By the way, that sleeping mattress is NEVER fitting back into the bag LOL

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tina Avatar

        I feel your pain. I can never get anything to go back into its bag properly.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Diane Avatar

    ” I think we can do it again one day. I mean, I bought the tent.”


    I am SO impressed that you fit it all in an Impreza! I’m currently driving my husband’s Impreza and I don’t think our cooler will even fit in it.

    Yay you! I’m so glad you have good memories. I find camping a weird combination of constant work (set up/feed/clean up/pack up/set up/feed/clean up/pack up….I need to learn from you and get my kids to do more), but also long stretches of nothing to do, but just BE.

    The lack of signal is good for disconnecting, but bad when you forget how to set up the tent and need to look up the YouTube Tutorial. I also always forget to download books onto my phone when we go camping and then I’m stuck at night after the kids go to bed with nothing to read… I’ve been camping numerous times and I ALWAYS forget these two things. I just need to put “download instructions and books” on my camping packing list!


    1. Daria Avatar

      I downloaded three books. That was OVERLY ambitious, I did finish the lemon cake sadness book after the kids zonked out for the night.


  9. jennystancampiano Avatar

    Wow Daria, I’m impressed! Taking two little kids camping on your own… that’s badass. Sounds like it was an overall rewarding experience for everyone. And that pond really does look beautiful. I could be convinced to do this if another adult would come with me!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thanks for the validation Jenny! I felt so tired but also accomplished.


  10. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I am impressed. I so would not do this on my own! I have only tent camped once and we went with a friend who had a lot of gear and is an experienced camper. It was fun but I was newly pregnant so we haven’t gone again and won’t until the kids are a bit older. There are lots of great campgrounds in Minnesota though so it will be a fun activity some day when our kids are a bit older.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Minnesota’s nature looks so beautiful! I would love to experience it one day.


  11. Melissa Avatar

    Wow, this is fantastic, I’m so impressed that you took the kids camping by yourself like this, but the setting looks so lovely and what great memories for you all. I’m sure the kids will mostly remember the good times they had. I’m sure the fighting and whining was harder on you than them.

    The photos look beautiful, so peaceful (I know probably more peaceful without kids, HA!). but really beautiful, and it does look like the kids made the most of the opportunity and soaked up the whole experience.

    Buying the equipment instead of borrowing/renting is one way to make sure that you go again.


  12. rachelinwales Avatar

    Just came to say that I am so impressed with your camping! We did camping once when kids were 2 and 4 and it was such hard work. We all remember it fondly and have great photos but at the time it was HARD… for similar reasons you mentioned. Way to go Daria – what an amazing experience for you all that you can remember more and more fondly as it moves out of your immediate memory 🙂


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