Daily writing prompt
How do you waste the most time every day?

Thanks, WordPress, for this prompt.

I do these micro phone checks throughout the day. One minute here, five minutes there. Nothing major, but checking, always checking. Checking email, checking WhatsApp, checking the blogs, the weather, texts, camera roll to look at memories past, Google maps, library holds list. Amazon. I do not use social media (unless we count blogging as social media – then, yes).

Why do I do it? I feel bored and/or need a quick distraction. Also, probably craving connection or fishing for something interesting. It’s an annoying habit. On a visceral level, I think I like the bright colors and the up and down movement of my finger. Opening the phone is like scratching an itch, but with little relief.

Is it a major time suck? It doesn’t feel like one but it still gives me a bad taste in my mouth. My phone usage is not that high; it hovers around 2 hours per day, on average. That includes my podcasts when I commute to work as well as Spotify. Podcasts and Spotify are not the problem. It’s these micro check-ins that leave me with a feeling of just … blah.

I could break the habit but there is one little problem – the camera. I like to take pictures of my kids. I am an official memory keeper and memory creator.

How do you waste the most time every day?

PS: I removed Feedly from my phone after re-reading what I wrote above.

12 responses to “How do you waste the most time every day?”

  1. NGS Avatar

    There’s a game on my phone that I spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME on. I should delete it, but then what would I do when I’m blow-drying my hair. I should let you be the inspiration and delete it off my phone, but the addiction is too strong.


  2. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    Yes, I waste way too much time on my phone as well. Now I’m into a word game like Scrabble, and I’m addicted!


  3. Melissa Avatar

    I probably spend too much time reading blogs, but I don’t consider that wasted time, I just need to make sure I don’t do it when I have other things I really need to do.


  4. Grateful Kae Avatar

    Ugh I’m totally like you with the constant “quick checks”. I’ve been thinking about this lately… it’s so often! For me it’s mostly Facebook and email. Again, just usually quick checks but a million times a day… it adds up. And I take issue with turning to that every time I have even a slight moment of boredom or free time.


  5. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    Arghhh the phone. Yes. My rabbit hole is social media. I would be much better if it wasn’t my job. But this way I try to work and want to quickly check something in an account and then I get stuck and scroll and scroll. Once I put it away I remember what I wanted to check – and haven’t – so I puck up the phone again. It’s a nightmare. I sometimes deliberately put my phone anywhere but my desk so I have to get up to get it. Makes me think twice if I really need to check right now.


  6. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    2 hours on your phone is so little! I don’t even want to look at mine but I primarily read/comment on blogs from my phone and I also use the kindle so to read. Plus I play spelling bee, wordle and a few other NYT games. So I am on my phone a lot.


  7. Elisabeth Avatar

    I’d say my biggest “waste” of time is blogging related. Either writing or reading or commenting. But, like Melissa said above, I feel like it’s time well spent on something that brings me joy. It’s such a tough balance. I think we can villianize morally neutral things that are fun/relaxing and feel bad for doing anything frivolous with our time. BUT…we can also fall into time sinks that leave us feeling icky afterward. It’s SO HARD to find the right balance and, quite honestly, I think it really depends on the season of life. What works at one point, could really be a big issue in another season of life?


  8. Maya Avatar

    I mean… if it gives you a quick shot of dopamine to connect with people (WhatsApp, camera roll, blogs + Facebook for me) I don’t see the harm?

    Two hours of daily phone usage is not huge–especially if it is during a game, walking, errands, etc.).


  9. Natka Avatar

    Daydreaming is a huge time sinkhole for me. I tend to kind of fall out of reality. I suspect it is some sort of internal breaker for me and helps me deal with stress.

    2 hours is a very reasonable screen time and it really doesn’t sound wasteful. Do you feel it fragments your time and distracts you from more meaningful activities? Or is it really only check-ins while waiting for something, the time that you might otherwise spend just staring at the wall (that would be me….)

    So… What I am trying to say is, wasting time is not necessarily a bad thing. Perhaps in our drive to be our most efficient selves we loose something and create more stress and guilt than needed.


    1. Daria Avatar

      In my childhood I was a huge daydreamer, creating an alternate reality since my childhood was so bad. Dissociation, they call it, maybe?…
      I think you hit the nail right on the head, instead of checking, I should be reading or doing something for my soul.


  10. Diane Avatar

    Yes, I feel this so much. Sometimes I feel like I get in a kind of endless loop – check one thing than another than another and then back to the first thing…. Even though I *know* there is nothing new in any of the things I check. Or why am I spending 30 mins browsing through Libby when I could just be using Libby to read a book?

    But on the other hand – is it procrastination? Am I putting things off and not doing important things? What is the “waste” element of wasting time? Like if I decide to fold my laundry instead of doing that IMPORTANT thing – is that a waste of time? It’s so interesting what value we place on our actions.


    1. Daria Avatar

      THIS –> “why am I spending 30 mins browsing through Libby when I could just be using Libby to read a book?” I do the same! Wishful thinking on my part? LOL


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