New Jersey is in the middle of heat wave. I open all the windows in the morning, while it’s relatively cool. Turn on “fan” on our Nest thermostat to circulate the air a bit. I can’t stand stuffy rooms, it’s like a pet peeve of mine. By 10-11 in the morning (!) the AC automatically turns on. So I close all the windows and bring some shades down to cool off the house.

Our house was built in an era devoid of air conditioning, and when you close the windows and doors thus trapping the cool morning air in, the house stays pretty cool. But not as cool as I like it. #priviledge I realize there are readers those who live in FL, or other hot places, so I shouldn’t be preaching.

As many of you know, I am off in the summer so the way I spend my time varies. I set some summer goals but so far I have been just resting. Resting like I’ve never rested before. I sleep well, but then I also take a nap in the afternoon or late morning. I’ve been going on walks in the early morning, before the heat. I’ve been reading. Roaming around the house. Even watched a movie! And I do not feel particularly guilty – an improvement!

L and R are still in school till next Tuesday but they have also been busy sculpting play-doh, swimming in the pool, drawing, as well as arguing and making up.

L’s ice cream

L had a luau end of school class party and parents were invited. I popped in for a while and saw L’s class, her teachers and her peers. Such kind kids! A girl complemented my bag, and a boy asked if I wanted a juice box. Super cute. At home, L put on her grass skirt, her hair flowers, and said “I need a bra.” She went upstairs, grabbed one of my bras, put it on. I can’t post a picture because she is literally wearing MY bra, but trust me- it’s hilarious.

9 responses to “NJ Heat Wave/Summer Activities/Rest”

  1. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    I’ve heard about that lemon cake book, but I wasn’t sure if it was for me because of the magical realism. It does look interesting though!

    That’s pretty hot weather! It’s just lovely and pleasant here, I’m sure our heat is coming though.


  2. San Avatar

    Awww what a sweet picture of you and L – frameworthy!

    It’s been pretty hot here too and our duplex definitely heats up during the day. The insulation is terrible, but we also don’t want to run the AC all day. We usually just turn it on for a few hours in the afternoon/early evening.
    I am glad you’re getting some rest this week and enjoy the fresh and cool morning air! I get out for my runs early right now and it’s the best time of the day!


  3. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    I’m so happy to hear that you’re enjoying your relaxation without guilt! We had the most lovely cold spell for a couple of days, but now the heat wave is here. I don’t do well in the heat. That photo of you and L is so adorable!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Send some cold temps this way please!!


  4. Sarah Avatar

    I liked the lemon cake book, and I love these pics— such cute kiddos.


  5. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    It’s been raining too dang much here for it to get hot. We have gotten massive amounts of rain and have only had one clear day this last week. The rain should move out today thank goodness! I am hoping to take the boys to a pool tomorrow afternoon. We are trying to drop taco’s nap this weekend so I am losing my weekend nap slot. Womp womp.


  6. NGS Avatar

    In 2011, I read that Bender book. Here’s my review: Oh, hell no. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME no matter what the Internetz tells you to do. This book is NONSENSE.  It has a great premise and that’s where it falls apart.  (Also, this is where I tell you that magical realism is not my forte.)  Dumb, dumb, dumb book.  WASTE OF TIME.  I want my hours back, Ms Bender.

    LOLOLOL. Why didn’t I tell it like it is? There’s a book called Bitter in the Mouth that I thought dealt with similar things in a much better way.


  7. Melissa Avatar

    Yay, for relxing without feeling guilty. I think you are being very smart, recharging before the kids finish school for the year. Love, love ,love that photo of you and L.


  8. Sophie Avatar

    This blog dropped off my Feedly Daria so I had to hunt it down again, hence the late commenting! Sounds like a great, restful start to summer, just what you need.
    Our summer was so hot when we had it Dec – March, only started to cool down in April. Now it’s the sunniest, loveliest mild winter, and I’m here for it!


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