Similar to my mom, I do not know that much about my dad, so I can only share bits and pieces with you this Father’s Day. There is absolutely no judgement in this post. Rather, some memories that were either shared by him, witnessed by me, or overheard from mother, aunts and uncles.

  1. He was born in Kazakstan but he is ethnically a Russian.
  2. At 14 years of age he was dropped off at a “trade” school in the big city by his parents.
  3. He shared a story how one time he was beaten by his father as a child – with a belt that had a metal buckle.
  4. He is 78 and exercises every other day, like clock work.
  5. I only remember seeing him cry twice: once when he put me on the plane to England to study there (I was a teen) and another time when he walked into a hospital room and saw me holding L the day she was born.
  6. Him and mom had/have a terrible marriage, each arriving with their own, terrible baggage.
  7. I *think* he wanted to leave many times.
  8. He always had many interests: bicycling, lifting weights, building, stonework, and TV/movies. He is not a reader.
  9. He has many friends till this day – most of them are from his early years.
  10. He has no filter and would say things that would make me crawl under the table
  11. He likes to drink, and I have seen him drunk many time during my childhood (and adulthood)
  12. He has a dark sense of humor
  13. He believes in what Russia is doing right now in Ukraine is for the best. Him and I, we do not/ can not talk about politics
  14. He likes to stay busy – he is retired but he is still working
  15. He has a dacha (a summer house) in the lake region in the south of Russia
  16. He has one younger sister – my aunt. She lives in the neighboring town, they are close.
November 1981, I am six months old

9 responses to “Father”

  1. J Avatar

    Family can be complicated, right? You can absolutely disagree with him about Ukraine, and still he’s your father and you love him. So hard! It sounds like he had a complicated relationship with your mom, but absolutely loved you.


  2. San Avatar

    Thanks so much for sharing about your dad. Family relations can be complicated. How old were you when you left home?


  3. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    Daria, thank you for sharing this. I can’t even imagine. I can’t even find the right words. Maybe there are no right words. I admire you for your strength, and for the way you’re raising your children. You’re breaking a cycle of pain. I’m sending you all my best wishes. ❤️


  4. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Thank you for sharing, Daria. Family is so complicated, and intergenerational trauma is so real. Sending you a big hug. xo


  5. Maya Avatar

    Loved the photos on this post, Daria. And I love as well the compassion with which you list the facts. Parents like everyone else do the best they can with what they have…

    I’m really touched by how this man who embodies “strong man” values on so many levels, is moved to tears by significant events in his daughter’s life (#5).


  6. Natka Avatar

    This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    Your family is lucky to have you.


  7. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    Your parents had such complicated origins with being forced to grow up at a young age. Maybe that is just how things were 70+ years ago although the circumstances in Russia were far worse than what my parents ever would have experienced here in the US. It is sweet that your father was brought to tears. My dad is a sweet man but I have never actually seen him cry!

    Family can be so complicated. There is a lot I can’t discuss with my parents because our views are so drastically different so we just avoid those sorts of conversations for the sake of our relationship.


  8. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    Oh Daria, this post is so full of love and at the same time you can between the lines how much pain this relationship also involves. I think its so brave that you share and try to be a different parent to your kids.


  9. Stephany Avatar

    Family is so complicated. I am estranged from my father for a variety of reasons, and it’s so very hard to not have him in my life, even though I know it’s the right decision. Thank you for sharing this with us.


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