I have my coffee ready, grab your beverage of choice, and let’s chat.

If you and I had coffee, I would share that my roses are getting so beautiful. I fed them back in the spring, and they are just bursting with color. In the front, we have deep pink, in the back, we have deep red, and scarlet red. They are something that’s called “self-cleaning” roses, in other words, the blooms fall off and dry up after a while and new one come out. I still remove the dry blooms because it looks better.

Overall, we have a big piece of land (especially for central New Jersey), the majority of it are “woods”. It’s a lot to populate with plants so I just concentrate on our flower beds that are close to the house and the back patio.

Roses under our living room and kitchen windows in the back yard.
Roses from the side porch in the front

If you and I had coffee, I would share that I have been dealing with some entitlement from students and parents. There were some unreasonable requests concerning grades that were made. If people are not satisfied with my answer, and go above my head, to my supervisor, then the principal, then the superintendent. If any of them will want to change the grade, it’s their choice, but from me it’s a no. One person went as far as state “you are ruining my child’s future!” Meanwhile, there has been little effort and missing work from student the whole year. This aspect of my job can certainly be frustrating.

I do admit that such situations are pretty rare, and the vast majority of my students and parents trust me and are respectful of my assessment.

If you and I had coffee, I would share that much of our clothing is in the laundry room. It could be folded, it could be still in the dryer, it could be in the basket, or in the washing machine. Last week was a grinder so I just was fishing for *clean* clothes from the laundry room most mornings.

Yep. 🙌

If you and I had coffee, I would share that Meru therapy app is growing on me. I am doing the biofeedback, and the meditations, and the prompts. I am texting with the therapist. I don’t feel all rainbows and unicorns, but I definitely feel some awareness of thoughts, emotions and their impermanence.

If you and I had coffee, I would share that I haven’t seen any of my sister friends lately. Everyone is wrapped up in their lives, two of them are teachers, so they are in the grinder like me. I need to touch base with them this weekend, just to say hi.

If you and I had coffee, I would tell you about the three books that I’m currently reading. The Body Keeps the Score(non-fiction), Cat Brushing (essay collection), and The Rules of Magic (audio). My reading has been pitiful since the spring, really lacking focus, but I needed to get out of my head. Marin Ireland narrates the Rules of Magic, and I am enjoying it.

Lastly, if you and I had coffee, I would tell you how much I am enjoying being outside with my morning coffee. Last week, instead of sitting in the living room with my coffee, I was sitting on the porch, watching the sunrise slowly dye the sky pink, then sunlight sliding down and shining on the tops of the trees. A few squirrels and birds were doing their thing. The air smelled delicious.

This is later in the morning, but still so beautiful.

I think that’s about it. Would you like to share something if you and I had coffee (or tea)?

22 responses to “Saturday Coffee Date”

  1. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    Wow your roses are gorgeous! Roses are something that intimidate me so we do not have any in our yard. But there is a beautiful rose garden by the lake we live by so I get my fill on roses there!

    Ugh. That entitlement issue is terrible. I hope the principal did not give into the parents. That will just teach the kid that if you complain enough, you will get your way. School is so different from when I was in HS. Back then if you didn’t hand in an assignment, you got a 0. There was no leeway. It boggles my mind that kids have until the end of a quarter to hand things in that are part due. Maybe there is a compelling reason to do this but I don’t think there is that kind of leniency in college and there certainly isn’t in the real world. A deadline is a deadline!!

    If we had coffee today I’d lament about how bad my RA is and how much I loathe being on steroids because they make me so cranky and I have an extra short fuse which is not good when you have young kids. 😦


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey friend, hugging you. Are the infusions not helping?…


      1. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

        I get my first one this coming Thursday. I am hoping it works right away!!


  2. Noemi Avatar

    Ugh. Parents like that are the worst. How do they not see what a disservice they are doing for their kids in the long run?! I really don’t understand it.
    I recently had one of the best parent meetings of my 20 year teaching career. This parent said EVERYTHING I had ever hoped a parent would say. I realize now I didn’t write about it on my blog but I probably should. It was amazing. It’s so good to know parents that are willing to do the hard work of holding their kids accountable are still around.


  3. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    Your roses are beautiful! I used to love running in my neighborhood at this time of year as there were a ton of roses and one street in particular had so many different kinds. Being there early in the morning and enjoying the sights and smells was high on my happy list!

    Ug re parents! I bet that is stressful. My friend’s kids are in league soccer and her daughter made the elite team and now many of the parents whos kids did not make the elite team have basically snubbed them! Also there is one girl who got moved down from the highest level to a the next lowest one and her parents are “demanding a re-tryout!” and I am just amazed at how they are fighting for the space even though there are girls that are better than their daughter this year ( maybe not in their mind, but get over it!!) It is crazy; the parents are crazy.

    If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I am enjoying some down time with friends and am having a good time, but on the other hand am kind of looking forward to getting back on the road, if that makes sense. It is funny how the daily grind is now my routine and even though it is currently more relaxing, I kind of miss it.


  4. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Your roses are gorgeous, and what a lovely place to have your morning coffee!

    I love The Body Keeps The Score. I found it really impactful and it also really helped me with my yoga teaching for certain demographics of students.

    Sorry about the students who want to change their grade. That sounds like a really frustrating experience.


  5. NGS Avatar

    Cat Brushing is next on my list! I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying it.

    You know what? The people who lived in our house before us planted rose bushes in the beds in the front of our house and I have been trying to kill them for the eight years we’ve lived here and they keep coming back. I had no idea roses were so hardy. I just hate that they are all prickly and thorny and right at our front walk. *sigh* I wish I could just send them to you.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Roses are very resilient!! You are right. I would gladly take them 🙂


  6. J Avatar

    When my husband was a TA in college, word came down from the Dean that ‘the average grade would be a B+’. That’s without knowing anything about the students or whether they’ve done the work, etc. One student was pissed off about her grade, and her parents got involved. The professor gave them the grade they wanted, because he was getting ready to retire and didn’t care for himself, but didn’t want his TA to have to go through the stress involved. This was in the mid 90s, Ivy league. Sigh. Fast forward to my daughter’s High School, and she was getting all As in French. She got a really bad grade on a test, so we asked to talk to her teacher. Her teacher was defensive, afraid we were going to yell at her, and was relieved when we were just trying to be involved and find out what was going on.


  7. Tina Avatar

    I’m sorry you have to deal with entitled students and parents, but I am glad that it is more rare than a normal thing. I worry about some of the children coming up in the world when their parents are there trying to take care of everything for their child and making things as easy as possible for them. We all want the best for our children but sometimes we need to let them fail to help them grow. I love your roses. I love flowers and love fresh vegetables from my garden, unfortunately I’m a horrible plant parent and don’t take care of any them very well, no matter how hard I try. I can totally relate to your laundry room, I’m usually fishing things out of baskets, or “fluffing” the clothes in the dryer over and over again until I finally take them out, just to let them languish in the basket. I hate doing laundry.


  8. Maya Avatar

    Entitled students are bad enough, but can sometimes be reasoned with. Entitled parents are too far gone.

    Your roses are lovely and I’m glad to hear Meru is growing on you. The Body Keeps the Score was required reading when I trained as a child advocate, and it was mind-altering!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Agreed. It is the least enjoyable part of my job.


  9. Lindsay Avatar

    Oh, I love the idea of having coffee on the porch in the morning! I am just waiting for the pine pollen counts to go down; all my deck chairs are covered.

    I’m sorry about those parents (and the students who didn’t do the work). That must be so difficult to navigate knowing they will just go up the chain when in reality you’re being fair. I hope that part of the year is almost over for you!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh, we have had so much pollen. I would use a damp cloth before I sit down. We do have a few pines but the other trees are just as bad.
      The parents certainly have the right to go up the chain, but it is very rare that the administration changes grades. The teacher (me) has to be very unfair, and I know I am not.


  10. rachelinwales Avatar

    Thank you for the coffee date! Both your laundry room and your garden are wonderful. I haven not read The Body Keeps the Score because I think i will find it too intense for me. I have had Practical Magic on my TBR list off and on for a year and I am sure I will pick it up someday soon?

    I am glad that the Meru app is helping. It sounds really interesting – texting with a therapist? Very interesting. Glad that you are finding it helpful.

    I love your rose photos


    1. Daria Avatar

      The Body Keeps the Score IS very intense. There are detailed descriptions of child abuse. It’s a hard book to read. I skip over some stuff. Thank you for the compliment on the laundry room. It’s a mess. But the room itself is quite nice, thanks to the previous owners.


  11. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    Your roses are so gorgeous!! The view from your porch is gorgeous! And even your laundry room is quite gorgeous! Dealing with entitled parents and children doesn’t sound very fun, but you have a good attitude about it. The picture of your child with a Kit Kat bag on her head is delightful! Wait…is that Kit Kat ice cream treats? I’ve never seen those before!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Haha Michelle, thank you for your kind words. Yep, that’s KitKat ice cream treats- who would have thought, right? They were quite good.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Natka Avatar

    I love having coffee on the porch!

    If we had coffee together, I would ask you how you keep deer away from you roses. (And those roses are gorgeous!!!)

    Ans then I would go on a long rant about all the evil things that munch on everything we planant.

    I would love to hear more about how teachers are (or are not) supported by administration when it comes to difficult students and parents. I would love to hear more about what can be done to make schools better in terms of prividing solid foundation and teaching kids the importance of hard work.

    I would love to talk about books. I love books.

    Thank you for this post!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hi Natasha,
      we have a fence and that is the only way to keep the deer away. They are ruthless! Before we had the fence, they would shave everything to the ground.
      I am lucky to work with school administration that values hard work and will not make unreasonable changes to our gradebooks. A teacher’s gradebook is their gradebook and nobody should meddle with it. We have policies in regards to how many grades, of what kind, and how often students are assessed. So it’s a nice balance of assessments, projects, homework. Unfortunately, we can only encourage, we, as teachers, cannot force students to do work. Nobody can.


  13. A beautiful day: 13 June 2024 – Mom of Children Avatar

    […] feeling good. I had a few frustrating situations at work, but all of that has been resolved. The administration supported me and determined that hard work […]


  14. San Avatar

    Coffee on the porch is my favorite. You have a beautiful view (and your roses are beautiful too).

    I am sorry you have to deal with some entitlement issues with parents/students. My sister, who is an elementary school teacher, knows all about that. It’s so weird in my opinion for parents to make requests to teachers claiming you’re ruining their kids’ lives instead of making sure their kids do their homework. SMH.


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